because of God's love we are grow up already in the right path.
I was a child grew up with no father in my side because my father died when I was 6 years old. He died not an accident but died for the people who are greedy of power. In short we are the massacre victim family and we have to survive for our living. Since my mom had not finish her study and she can’t gave our better future in life she decided that we her sibling distribute to her cousin, so I grew up with my aunt and same also with my two brother. In short we are independent and strong to face the reality that this is world we are all gone; we accepted already that my father is gone. Although we have no father in this world but I have father in heaven who always guide me in the right path of life, He comfort me when I was a problem, comfort me when I am depress, heal me when I am sick. I am so blessed that He is always a father with me. Thank you Lord for I am strong and realized that in this world each of us has a purpose of life, why we are here in this perfect world.